On Wednesday the 4th of October 2023 we had our recertification audit by SGS for ASC and MSC. The recertification audit was already 3 years ago so it was time for an official renewal.
This time the preparations for the recertification audit required some extra work due to the additional ASC CoC Module V5.1 requirements that went into effect as from 30th of May 2023 as well as the additional MSC Labour Eligibility Requirements v1.0 that went into effect as from 1st of May 2023. For ASC there were some general adjustments in the procedure as well as the requisite for a Food Vulnerability Assessment (FVA) procedure including an up-to-date intervention plan. For MSC we, and our subcontractors, completed a MSC CoC Labour Self-Assessment Form concerning forced labour, unethical practices and child labour.
Just like last time we successfully passed our audit without any remarks and we will have our next interval audit in 18 months before the official renewal again in 3 years.