The quality and freshness of the raw fish used for the preparation of sushi or sashimi is very important. Sashimi graded fish is actually an unregulated term used to describe fish which is safe for raw consumption.
Most fish suppliers use the term sashimi grade to indicate that their product is from a high quality, super fresh and handled with extra care to avoid the risk of food-borne diseases. For other suppliers this extra bit of “care” means adding E-numbers and other artificial colorings to the product like carbon-monoxide, nitrites and nitrates. These kinds of treatments are used to change the color of tuna even though it is accompanied with several health risks for consumers. An outbreak of histamine is one example likely to occur in the coloring process when the tuna is insufficiently cooled which may lead to food poisoning.
For Interseafish the extra bit of care means something completely different since we only have 100% natural and untreated sashimi quality tuna in our assortment which is the safest, healthiest and best option for the consumer. Because we do believe that true sashimi quality should not be treated with anything, so you can really taste the freshness of the fish as it is supposed to be with sashimi quality.
In order to be able to make the sashimi quality promise and guarantee we:
- Visit our packers on regular bases to check the quality and fabrication processes;
- Monitor the -60°C containers during transport overseas;
- Perform microbiological tests on our products at origin and upon arrival in Europe;
- Have built our own -60°C freezer to maintain the high quality of sashimi quality during storage.
We offer our tuna in loins, chunks and saku. Although saku is more expensive to buy, in the end it result actually quite cheaper for many clients. Labour costs are lower since:
- The saku only needs to be cut in slices so there is no more need for a specialised sushi chef;
- There are hardly any cut-offs or waste;
- Restaurants can calculate rather precisely how much they will need for a day and in that sense they also don’t have many left-overs at the end of the day.
- It is easy to defrost an extra saku block if tuna sales go faster and it will still be the same high quality for the consumer.
Contact us for more information about our 100% natural sashimi tuna, our defrosting advice or a quotation!